How Mutual Funds Are Better Investment Options?

Nov 18th 2023
Mutual Fund

How Mutual Funds Are Better Investment Options? Purchasing individual stocks is one approach to attempt to increase your market value, but it has a high risk. Furthermore, selecting stocks to invest in necessitates performing a thorough amount of study ahead.

Mutual funds are an excellent choice for anyone looking for a more accessible, affordable, low-risk, and diverse investing strategy. In recent times, the popularity of mutual funds has increased tremendously as they are considered more flexible, liquid, and easy to manage. There are several reasons that make mutual funds investment a viable alternative to conventional investment channels. We will look at them in the following part of this post.

Why Invest in Mutual Funds & How Do They Work?

Mutual funds function by combining the capital of several participants. Following that, stocks, bonds, and other securities are bought with that money. Mutual funds provide investors with quick diversification and a reduction in risk since they invest in a variety of firms. Investors in mutual funds are part in the fund's gains and losses.

Index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are two categories of mutual funds that invest passively and are undoubtedly familiar to you. However, actively managed mutual funds are also available. These mutual funds are managed by fund managers who make investment selections and buy/sell securities in accordance with the fund's objectives.

While it is difficult to consistently outperform the market over the long run, actively managed mutual funds often try to beat it; passively managed index funds, on the other hand, seek to merely mirror the performance of the market. 

Read More: Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds : Know The Advantages

Investors can choose between stock funds (also known as "equity funds"), bond funds (often known as "fixed-income funds"), or funds that combine the two (sometimes known as "balanced funds") in order to attempt to increase their money with mutual funds. There are many more different funds available within these categories. For instance, "growth funds" let you concentrate on businesses that have had capital gains, while "sector funds" let you invest in a particular field, like renewable energy.

Things That Make Mutual Funds Investment A Better Investment Option

Let’s now look at various reasons that make mutual funds investment a wonderful option than others. 

1. They are professionally managed – It's possible that investors lack the time, expertise, or money necessary to carry out due diligence and buy certain stocks or bonds. Professional money managers that work full-time and have the necessary resources, experience, and knowledge to acquire, sell, and oversee investments are in charge of managing mutual funds. To achieve the goals of the plan, a fund manager keeps a close eye on investments and rebalances the portfolio as necessary. One of the most significant benefits of a mutual fund is the portfolio management provided by qualified fund managers.

2. Diversification - Purchasing shares in a mutual fund is a simple approach to spread the risk of your assets by diversifying them over a variety of securities and asset classes, including gold, debt, and equities. This way, you won't put all of your eggs in one basket. This works well in situations where there are market headwinds for an underlying securities of a particular mutual fund scheme. One asset class's risk is offset by the others when there is diversity. Other assets in the portfolio might not be affected and might even gain value if one of them has a decline in value. Put another way, even if one section of your portfolio has significant volatility, you won't lose out on the full value of your investment.

3. Easy liquidity - On any business day (when the stock markets and/or banks are open), you can quickly redeem (liquidate) units of open-ended mutual fund schemes to fulfil your financial demands and have quick access to your money. Redeemable amounts are deposited to your bank account within a day to four days, depending on the kind of plan. For example, redemption amounts for Overnight and Liquid Funds are paid out on the following business day.

Please be aware, nevertheless, that close-ended mutual fund schemes only allow redemptions upon maturity. Similarly, ELSS units are locked in for three years and cannot be liquidated until that time.

4. They are affordable - The inexpensive cost of mutual funds is a significant benefit. Mutual fund schemes have a low expense ratio because of their large economies of scale. The yearly fund running expenditures of a scheme are represented by the expense ratio, which is stated as a percentage of the fund's daily net assets. Administration, management, advertising-related costs, etc. are examples of operating expenditures for a scheme. Regulation 52 of the SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations, 1996, specifies the expenditure ratio limitations for different kinds of plans.

5. Improved returns - In terms of returns produced over an extended period of time, equity mutual funds have outperformed most other investing alternatives. This is so that you may directly profit from the expansion of businesses that are propelling India forward with the money you invest in equity funds.

Therefore, equities mutual funds appear to be the only alternative for your long-term investing goals that can outperform conventional inflation rates over time and enable you accumulate the sizable corpus needed to achieve your objectives.

Read More: Mutual Funds and Taxation: Key Considerations for Investors in 2023

6. Well regulated - Under the direction of SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India), all mutual fund firms operate. The government organisation SEBI looks for the mutual fund sector and tries to protect investors' interests. Transparency in these funds' operations is ensured by a stringent examination by said regulating body.

7. Customization - Every potential investing goal has a mutual fund plan available.

You are guaranteed to discover a plan that will work for you, regardless of your investing objectives, time horizon, or risk tolerance.

Mutual funds are ideal for a variety of investing goals, from high-risk, high-reward equities funds to low-risk debt funds that provide slower, more steady growth and everything in between.


What Are Tax Saving Mutual Funds?

Under certain provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961, these plans provide investors with tax rebates, since the government provides tax benefits for investing in certain routes, such as Equity Linked Savings plans (ELSS). Mutual fund-launched pension plans also provide tax advantages. These schemes invest mostly in stocks and are growth focused. Their development prospects and related risks are similar to those of any equity-oriented plan.

How Investors Can Track The NAV?

The Net Asset Value (NAV) will be computed daily, including on holidays, and released on a daily basis in compliance with the SEBI requirements. The NAV will be accessible at the Corporate office, Registrar's office, and other Authorised Centres, including Area Offices. According to SEBI standards, the NAV and the sale and repurchase prices will also be published in at least two daily newspapers on all business days. The NAV will also be regularly available on our website and the website of AMFI.

What Does a Load Structure Mean?

The amount an investor must pay to subscribe for units or to redeem units from the plan is known as the load. The AMC uses this money to cover additional selling and marketing costs in addition to paying the distributor's commission. The load quantities are not fixed and might fluctuate over time.


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