Top 5 Small Cap SIP Funds to Consider in 2023

Mar 12th 2024
Mutual Fund

Top 5 Small Cap SIP Funds to Consider in 2023, Small-size mutual funds invest the majority of their fund corpus in the equities of businesses having a market valuation of less than Rs. 5,000 crore. Since they fall under the umbrella of equities mutual funds, changes in the market have an effect on how well they perform. Nevertheless, the top small-cap mutual funds have the capacity to provide large returns over the long run.

What Is Small Cap Mutual Fund?

Investing in the top Small Cap Mutual Funds To Invest in 2023 can be a strategic move. An investment in the shares of a company with a market value of less than Rs 5,000 crore is known as a small-cap equity fund. These businesses are young and growing quickly, making them technically fragile and vulnerable to losses in the event of market unrest.

The fund managers of small-cap mutual funds place at least 65% of their portfolios in small-cap equities. Small-cap companies are typically favoured by investors that don't mind taking chances and favour growth over stability. Small-cap funds' fund composition is crucial, and making snap judgments might put your investment in danger.

One of the important factors in choosing what to include in the stock portfolio is the investing company's capitalization. All businesses anticipated to rank in the top 250 in terms of market capitalization are covered by small-cap funds. These products offer better long-term returns but are inherently riskier and more volatile than other equity-focused funds in the short to medium term. These firms' shares can quickly double or triple in value. However, the danger is always there, just like with most market investments.

Also Read: Best Mutual Funds To Invest in 2023

What Is Large Cap Mutual Fund?

Things To Consider While Investing in Small Cap Mutual Funds

Investors are urged to take into account all variables that impact the performance of small-cap funds because they entail a significant amount of market risk. You should consider the following things:

  • Investment Risk: Though there are risks involved, the top small-cap funds produce profitable returns. To get strong returns, you must take into account funds that beat small-cap benchmarks and other small-cap funds.
  • Return on Investment: Small investment trusts frequently produce high rates of return and can add a lot to a portfolio. These funds have a high amount of risk, but they may serve as a portfolio cushion and offer fantastic value when the market is doing well.
  • Investment expenses: The charges associated with small-cap equity funds ensure that your investment is properly managed. The cost ratio of the fund is this. The expense ratio of the fund is restricted to 2.50% per SEBI's rules. It's wise to consider your net earnings after expenditures when selecting a fund.
  • Objectives for Investments: Even the best modest investment trusts can see a sizable decline in returns during market downturns. Consequently, if you want to maximise the return on your investment, put money towards long-term objectives like a child's education, retirement savings, or a house purchase.
  • Taxation: Small-cap funds' redemption capital gains are taxed according to the holding period, or the length of time the investment was kept. Short-Term Capital Gains (STCG), which result from redemptions held for up to a year, are taxed at 15%. Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG) are gains from holding periods longer than a year, and a 10% tax is applied on amounts over one lakh rupees.

Top 5 Small Cap Mutual Funds To Consider in 2023

If you are looking to invest in small-cap mutual funds in 2023, you just need to know the top-performing small-cap funds. So, here we have highlighted the best 5 small cap mutual funds for investment.

Fund Name

Fund Size (Cr.)



Quant Small Cap Fund – Direct Growth




Nippon India Small Cap Fund – Direct Growth




HSBC Small Cap Fund – Direct Growth




Tata Small Cap Fund – Direct Growth




HDFC Small Cap Fund – Direct Growth




Who Should Invest in Small Cap Mutual Funds?

Small cap mutual funds are a good option for investors who are ready to accept risks in order to maximize their earnings. Even when the market is down, these funds still provide strong returns. But if the market declines, these might be severely hurt. A compact structure is necessary for a portfolio of small-cap mutual funds. It is essential to have a benchmark to compare results when investors build their equities portfolios. Investors may correctly analyse the success of their portfolios by comparing their results to benchmarks.

Small Cap Funds vs. Large Cap Funds

The following factors have been found to explain why small-cap funds typically outperform market capitalization or large-cap funds:

  • When oil prices decline or when interest rates are low, small-cap funds do well.
  • Stocks in small-cap funds aren't very widely diversified. They are a part of an exclusive group that encourages growth and excellence.
  • Less leveraged stocks make up small-cap funds. Leveraged projects sometimes include large-cap stocks in industries like energy, telecommunications, infrastructure, and metals. Stocks of small companies are found in places with low capital intensity.
  • Small-cap stocks are more adaptable, but large corporations take longer to produce profits and increase investors' returns on investment (ROI). As a result, certain small-cap funds' performance is impacted by the outstanding performance of small-cap companies. However, it's critical to realise that because medium-cap funds lack the advantages of diversification, they play by somewhat different rules than large-cap funds.
  • Although small-cap funds are diverse, you should make sure the stocks aren't overly speculative before investing your hard-earned money in them.


1. Why Should I Invest in Small Cap Funds?

Small-cap funds originate from businesses that are anticipated to grow quickly. As a result, if you invest money in these businesses, you may anticipate seeing a big return on your money. However, you must keep an eye on the success of your funds and the standing of your fund manager since these aspects will influence your choice of investments.

2. Are Small-Cap Funds Worth The Risk?

It actually depends, though. Investment in small cap funds is advised if you have a strong tolerance for risk and can commit to holding the funds for five to seven years. Additionally, it is advised that you limit the amount of small-cap funds in your investing portfolio to reduce performance fluctuations over the short term.

3. How Long Should a Small Cap Fund Be Held?

As a general rule, it is best to hold onto top small-cap funds for a longer period of time. It is advised that you invest in these firms for at least 5 to 7 years in order to maximize your profit.

The Conclusion

A fund that has been carefully chosen by internal specialists is simple to invest in. You may increase your portfolio by investing in small-cap funds after determining your long-term financial requirements. You should only invest after becoming sufficiently knowledgeable about the financial markets or after receiving advice from professionals on your risks and returns.


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