Best Mutual Funds To Invest in 2023

Mar 12th 2024
Mutual Fund

Best mutual funds to invest in 2023, Mutual funds are considered a popular type of investment vehicle, which is carried out by knowledgeable individuals known as fund managers who devote their time and knowledge to choosing securities with the potential to generate sizable returns.

Additionally, for those who are wary of the possible hazards involved in directly investing in stocks, mutual funds might be a suitable alternative. Consider a range of variables to help you narrow down your options and choose the top performers who can provide consistent and higher returns on your investments if you want to find the best mutual funds.

When it comes to investing in mutual funds, SIP is considered the best way forward. SIP stands for Systematic Investment Plan. In this type of investment, an investor invests a small amount every month in stocks. It offers additional compelling reasons for investing in addition to being easier on your wallet.

SIPs allow investors to consistently and methodically make modest investments at predetermined times, encouraging financial discipline and regularity. This strategy aids rupee cost averaging as well as encouraging the habit of saving and investing. Investors acquire more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high by consistently investing a constant sum. This approach may eventually cut the average cost of investing, resulting in longer-term investments with larger returns.

Best Mutual Funds For Investment in 2023

One of the most well-liked investing options in India is mutual funds. Mutual funds are popular due to several variables. In comparison to other investment alternatives, they provide a large variety of investment possibilities and a low expense ratio. They also provide liquidity, which is something many other investments do not.

There are several mutual funds that you should think about investing in whether you are just starting out or have been investing for years.

Read More: Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds : Know The Advantages

Some of the Most Popular Mutual Funds for Investment in 2023 are:

S.No. Fund Name
1 Axis Bluechip Fund
2 Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund
3 Parag Parikh Long-Term Equity Fund
4 UTI Flexi Cap Fund
5 Axis Midcap Fund
6       Kotak Emerging Equity Fund
7 Axis Small Cap Fund
8 SBI Small Cap Fund
9        SBI Equity Hybrid Fund
10 Mirae Asset Hybrid Equity Fund

Let’s Get to Know More About the Top Mutual Funds: 

  • Axis Bluechip Fund

A diversified equity fund that buys equities of businesses from several industries is called the Axis Bluechip Fund. The fund has been managed by the Axis Mutual Fund from its beginning in 2010.

The fund is one of the most well-liked funds in India and has a lengthy history of providing investors with profits. The fund has a lengthy history of producing investor returns and invests in equities from many industries.

Read More: How to Choose The Best Mutual Funds in India?

  • Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund

Mirae Asset Fund is a mutual fund that invests in large-cap equities is called the Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund. Mirae Asset Mutual Fund House is the owner of it. The business began managing the fund on April 4, 2008, and has done so ever since. It is compared to the NIFTY 100 Total Return Index as a benchmark.

The fund invests in equities with strong potential for growth in order to achieve long-term financial appreciation.

  • Parag Parikh Long-term Equity Fund

An open-ended Flexi Cap Equity plan called the Parag Parikh Long Term Equity Fund makes stock and equity-related investment decisions. The fund makes long-term investments in businesses.

Since its launch in 2013, the fund has been managed by PPFAS Mutual Fund. It is compared to the NIFTY 500 Total Return Index as a benchmark.

  • UTI Flexi Cap Fund

A mutual fund that invests in equities and securities that are connected to equity is called UTI Flexi Cap Fund. It can make investments in any area of the Indian economy because to its adaptable investment approach.

An open-ended equity strategy that can invest in equities, bonds, money market instruments, etc. is the UTI Flexi Cap Fund. Although the fund primarily invests in stocks, it is exposed to other asset classes, including fixed-income securities and money market instruments.

Read More: What Are The Best Mutual Funds To Invest In India?

  • Axis Midcap Fund

The S&P BSE 150 MidCap Total Return Index serves as the benchmark for the open-ended mid cap equity strategy known as the Axis Midcap Fund. The fund has been managed by the Axis Mutual Fund from its beginning in 2011.

This particular fund makes investments in mid-sized businesses. Such funds often experience more losses when stock prices decline than those that invest in bigger corporations. There will thus be more significant ups and downs along the route, even though you may anticipate better returns over the long run.

Read More: How Mutual Funds Are Better Investment Options?

  • Kotak Emerging Equity Funds

An equity mutual fund scheme called Kotak Emerging Equity Fund Direct-Growth was introduced by Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund. An equity mutual fund scheme called Kotak Emerging Equity Fund Direct-Growth was introduced by Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund.

By investing mostly in mid-sized businesses, the plan aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation via a portfolio of equities and equity-related instruments. Since the fund's debut on January 1, 2013, it has produced returns that have, on average, been 6.26% annually.

  • Axis Small Cap Fund

An equity mutual fund programme called Axis Small Cap Fund Direct-Growth was introduced by Axis Mutual Fund. The goal of the strategy is to produce long-term capital growth through a diversified portfolio that consists mostly of equities and equity-related securities from small-cap firms.

  • SBI Small Cap Fund

An equity mutual fund programme called SBI Small Cap Fund Direct-Growth was introduced by SBI Mutual Fund.

By primarily investing in a well-diversified basket of equity equities of small-cap firms, the strategy aims to offer investors prospects for long-term capital development and an open-ended scheme's liquidity.

  • SBI Equity Hybrid Fund

SBI Mutual Fund has introduced the hybrid mutual fund SBI Equity Hybrid Fund Direct Plan-Growth.

By investing in a combination of debt and equity, the plan aims to give investors long-term capital growth as well as the liquidity of an open-ended plan.

  1. Mirae Asset Hybrid Equity Fund

A hybrid mutual fund programme called Mirae Asset Hybrid Equity Fund Direct-Growth was introduced by Mirae Asset Mutual Fund.

The Scheme uses a mixed portfolio of debt and money market instruments, equity and equity-related securities, and other instruments to produce current income and capital appreciation.

Also Read: Top 5 Small Cap SIP Funds to Consider in 2023


1. Can Equity Mutual Funds Make Return Guarantees?

Equity mutual funds cannot promise returns, though. The performance of the underlying companies as well as market turbulence can affect the returns from equity mutual funds. However, historically, over the long run, equities mutual funds have offered larger returns than other asset types.

2. What Is the Recommended Holding Period for Equities Mutual Funds?

The investor's financial objectives and risk tolerance determine the length of time they should keep equity mutual funds. To take advantage of the power of compounding and lessen the impact of short-term market changes, it is typically advised to hold equity mutual funds for at least three to five years.\

3. What Kinds of Mutual Funds are Offered in India?

Equity funds, debt funds, balanced funds, index funds, sectoral funds, and foreign funds are among the several types of mutual funds offered in India.

4. What Kinds of Mutual Funds Are offered in India?

Equity funds, debt funds, balanced funds, index funds, sectoral funds, and foreign funds are among the several types of mutual funds offered in India.

5. How Are Mutual Funds Operated?

In order to create profits, mutual funds combine investor money and invest it in a variety of securities. Following that, the returns are divided among the investors according to their initial investments.

The Conclusion

Over the past ten years, mutual funds have been a profitable investment choice for Indian investors. They provide an easy, affordable option to diversify your portfolio and may be utilised to increase your wealth while lowering risk.

They are a desirable choice since they provide access to a variety of resources that could be challenging or pricey to get separately. Stocks, bonds, gold, real estate, and other assets fall under this category. Additionally, mutual funds provide you access to these assets at cheaper costs than you would pay if you bought them separately since they combine the money from numerous participants.


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